Was it Kojo or Rethabile who reminded us of this just the other day? Been trying to write.For the longest time(it sure feels). Did not manage to come up with anything. It's been weeks; months, even. Closer to two years, to be exact. Yet there is so much that's been going through my mind. How can I find my voice,again?
The thing
Is there a difference between
knowing what we want
in life and actually going for it?
is this difference the very act
of going for it? The thing maybe
crystal clear in our minds, but the
going for it on a day to day basis
renders it a bit elusive.
at times, it actually seems
to be ever sliding farther
and farther - the more we
attempt to get it!
How can it be then, that our getting
the thing or not, is largely
up to us?
Do we need to factor in
the friends, weather, mood
and chutzpah that can
always influence how far
we stretch to get near
the thing on any day?
But now, seeing that
when we look around us,
we conclude that
the great sportsmen, actresses
and successful professionals
among us, have got their thing,
we feel we see that the thing
is within reach.
Maybe then, the key is
to find the thing,
firstly, inside us,
then live with and by it.
The thing...
I honestly believe that "the thing" you write of is the ever growing void in a man's soul. The void on God can fill. Won't you let Him fill the void, Phomolo?
The more you read, the better you'll write. Read at least two or three poems per day.
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